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Motorcycle Tire Performance and Tire Pressure

motorcycle tires in a line up

Motorcycle tire performance and tire pressure are crucial aspects of motorcycle safety and handling. As the only points of contact between the motorcycle and the road, tires play a critical role in determining how the bike performs and responds to different riding conditions. In this tech tip, we will explore the importance of tire performance and tire pressure for motorcycles, and provide some tips on how to maximize both for optimal riding experience.

Tire Performance

Tire performance refers to how well a tire can grip the road, navigate corners, and handle various riding conditions. Factors like tire composition, tread pattern, and tire size all play a role in determining the overall performance of a tire. When it comes to motorcycles, choosing the right tires can make a significant difference in how the bike feels and responds on the road.

Different types of tires are designed for specific riding conditions and styles. Sport tires, for example, are designed for aggressive riding and optimal grip in dry conditions. These tires typically have a softer compound that provides better traction and cornering performance. On the other hand, touring tires are designed for long-distance riding and provide a balance of grip and longevity. They have a harder compound that offers better durability and stability at higher speeds. TIP: Always check the tire manufactures website to see the load index for your particular model of tire.

motorcycle tire speed rating chart

Off-road tires are another category that is specifically designed for riding on dirt and gravel surfaces. These tires typically have deep treads and reinforced sidewalls to handle rough terrain and provide good traction in slippery conditions. They are not ideal for street riding, as they can reduce stability and handling on paved roads.

In addition to the type of tire, tire size also plays a significant role in determining performance. The size of the tire affects how the bike handles, accelerates, and brakes. It is important to choose the right tire size recommended by the motorcycle manufacturer to ensure optimal performance and safety.

 Tire Pressure

Tire pressure is another critical factor that affects tire performance and overall motorcycle handling. Maintaining the correct tire pressure is essential for safety, fuel efficiency, and tire longevity. The recommended tire pressure can vary depending on the type of tire, motorcycle model, and riding conditions.

Underinflated tires can lead to poor handling, reduced traction, and increased risk of tire damage. When a tire is underinflated, it can overheat and wear unevenly, leading to decreased performance and shorter tire life. Underinflated tires also increase rolling resistance, which can negatively impact fuel efficiency and handling.

On the other hand, overinflated tires can result in a harsh ride, reduced traction, and decreased stability. Overinflated tires have a smaller contact patch with the road, which can affect grip and handling in corners and during braking. Over time, overinflated tires can also lead to premature tire wear and reduced performance.

To ensure optimal tire performance and safety, it is important to check tire pressure regularly and inflate them to the recommended levels. The recommended tire pressure can usually be found in the motorcycle owner's manual or on a sticker on the motorcycle frame or swingarm. It is important to check tire pressure when the tires are cold, as the pressure can increase as the tires heat up during riding. 

How to read a motorcycle tire chart

In addition to regularly checking tire pressure, it is also important to inspect the tires for signs of wear or damage. Tires with worn tread or cuts and punctures should be replaced immediately to ensure continued safety and performance. These motorcycle tire repair kits can get you home if you should get a flat while on the road.

Tips for Maximizing Tire Performance and Tire Pressure

1. Choose the Right Tires: When it comes time to replace your motorcycle tires, make sure to choose the correct type and size for your riding style and conditions. Consider factors like tire composition, tread pattern, and size to ensure optimal performance and safety.

2. Maintain the Correct Tire Pressure: Check your tire pressure regularly, preferably before each ride or at least once a week. Use a good quality tire pressure gauge to ensure accurate readings and inflate the tires to the recommended levels. Remember to check the pressure when the tires are cold for the most accurate results.

3. Inspect Your Tires: Regularly inspect your tires for signs of wear, damage, or punctures. Check the tread depth, sidewalls, and overall condition of the tires to ensure they are in good shape. Replace any tires that show signs of wear or damage to maintain safety and performance.

4. Balance Your Tires: If you notice vibrations or wobbling at certain speeds, it may be a sign that your tires are out of balance. Have a professional mechanic check and balance your tires to ensure smooth and stable performance. You can also do it yourself. Two popular methods are balancing beads and tire sealants. View all tire balancing products.

Counteract motorcycle balancing beads chart

5. Avoid Overloading Your Motorcycle: Overloading your motorcycle can put extra stress on the tires and lead to reduced performance and handling. Be mindful of the weight capacity of your bike and avoid carrying excessive loads to prevent tire damage and premature wear. TIP: Always check the tire manufactures website to see the load index for your particular model of tire.

motorcycle tire load chart

6. Adjust Tire Pressure for Riding Conditions: If you plan to ride in different conditions or on different surfaces, consider adjusting your tire pressure accordingly. Lower tire pressure can provide more traction on loose surfaces, while higher pressure can improve handling on paved roads.

7. Be Mindful of Tire Age: Motorcycle tires can degrade over time, even when not in use. It is generally recommended to replace tires every 5-7 years, depending on usage and storage conditions. Aging tires can lose their grip and performance, increasing the risk of accidents.

how to find motorcycle tire manufacturer date codes


You may be asking yourself how to tell when a tire was made, or how old are my tires? You don't have to play guessing games to figure it out - the information is all right in front of you, on the sidewall of each tire. Look on the outer sidewall for the acronym "DOT," which should be followed by a series of numbers. The last four digits are what you need to determine when the tire was manufactured. The first two numbers represent the week, and the second pair indicates the year.

8. Consult a Professional: If you are unsure about the right tires or tire pressure for your motorcycle, consult with a professional mechanic or tire specialist. They can offer recommendations based on your riding style, preferences, and the specific requirements of your bike.

Professional motorcycle mechanic showing a motorcycle tire

In conclusion,

Tire performance and tire pressure are essential aspects of motorcycle safety and handling. By choosing the right tires, maintaining proper tire pressure, and following these tips, you can maximize your motorcycle's performance and ensure a safe and enjoyable riding experience. Remember to check your tires regularly, inspect them for signs of wear or damage, and replace them when necessary to maintain optimal performance and safety on the road.

Ride Safe!

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